Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why I Can't Let Anything Go

So, this is my favourite 6FU scene of all time. It seems impossible to pick just one scene from this show, since there are so many that I find poignant and/or hilarious, but this one has always felt like the epitome of what the show is really about. Yes, there is pain. Yes, each of us is walking around bleeding and full of baggage that we often feel we can't get away from. Yes, it is so incredibly frustrating to feel trapped inside a particular emotional response to that pain. It is so very difficult to move forward. But (and here's the kicker), we can. And what if it really is that simple.
(And in case you were wondering, yes, a dear friend did call and sing I'm a lonely Little me on my voice mail. She just gets me.)

I wrote this poem a long time ago:

Why I Can’t Let Anything Go

because of genetics because it’s a family trait because
my parents don’t help by never saying no
because my best friend says she likes me better
this way because I just met you three years ago
and we’ve barely scratched the surface because high school
because pizza and beer is all we need
to get along because life is made up of perfect moments
and spending years recovering from them because my dog
can’t hear me yelling because the best and worst piece
of advice you ever gave me was to do what I love because
I got to keep the tiny blue sweater your daughter wore
because there is a picture of seven of us on a mug
on my desk because my turtle died because my gerbil
died because my dog will die someday soon and when
that happens my family will be torn apart because
it’s never been in my nature to live in the present
because every time I meet someone I spend
the first six months wishing they were
someone else because I left all my furniture and
my fish in someone else’s apartment because maybe
he and I were never meant to mean much of anything
because I may miss you more now then when
you’re gone because the movies I watch make me
believe I’m doing everything all wrong but my favourite
TV shows convince me I’m right because we don’t drive
to see the stars anymore because sometimes I miss
my dish rack and shower curtain because I switched
to a single bed because it’s always over long before
I’m ready because once is never enough

We all have trouble with letting go of our attachments; those to people, places, memories and things. We cling to ideas and emotions and our own bad patterns. We are all afraid of change, even if that change could do us a world of good. We are terrified of the unknown. What I love about this scene is how much hope lies in it. The idea that we have the power to change our situation. We can nurture ourselves and our emotions, but also decide when to let it go. It is all within us. We don't have to look outside of ourselves for everything. There is comfort in that, and in the realization that there is control in letting go of control, and strength in allowing ourselves to stop fighting.

I think this scene beautifully articulates the core message behind the show. Hope.


  1. This has always been my favorite scene too.

  2. Love your poem and the blog...and I'm convinced. After today's round of soul-crushing job hunting is over - I'm going to watch my first ever episode of 6FU. From what I've read seems like I've been missing out! - Book Club Juli

  3. Juli, you will LOVE IT!!! I have the entire box set, and will happily watch it with you when I get back to TO in August!
