Tuesday, January 5, 2010


Okay, here we are at post #1.

There's a lot of pressure to make the first post of the very first blog you've ever created to be amazing. I imagine mine will likely be fairly boring because I'm kind of doing this on a whim and I really have no idea how I want to organize this thing yet.

Truthfully, I want to talk about more than just 6FU. I want to explore all the HBO shows (and perhaps one or two more that really should be HBO shows, but just happen to be with other networks....i.e. How I Met Your Mother) that have proved their awesomeness and have given me something concrete to live for, while working crappy retail jobs and sinking further and further into debt. The characters on these shows have become my frustrating family, my loving but troubled friends, my irritating neighbors and my fucked up teachers. They are what I turn to when I'm getting my existential angst on and I need to get swallowed up in someone else's tragic circumstances.

The title of this blog is significant to me for two reasons. First, it is the title of a fabulous episode of 6FU (Season 2, Episode 12, written by Jill Soloway, a friggin genius, if you ask me and my favourite 6FU writer), and contains a scene, which I've been mulling over for years, in which Nate is helping a cancer patient fill out his pre need form:

Nate: What about a girlfriend?

Cancer Patient: Nah. I mean yeah, I had girlfriends, relationships. I'd be in something for, whatever, like two months, two years and then it would just get too....too....nothing. Just too. I would start thinking 'I don't like this about her' and 'I don't like this about her' and I would start to feel this thing on the back of my neck, just like one of those superballs and it would just throb with the word leave leave leave and so I would and the second I got my life back, the ball would disappear. I suffer from that American thing big time. You know, always looking around for something better. Shopping.

Nate: I think a lot of people go through that that.

Cancer Patient: No they don't man. Okay? They don't. Most people just pick someone. I never looked at someone and just said, okay. I'll take you.

The second reason (which stems from the first), is that it is the title of a poetry manuscript I've been working on, which will hopefully one day see the light of publishing day. It's very new, very fresh and rough, but it's been fun to work on because of its exploration of relationships, and why else to I write poetry, but to obsess over the trials and tribulations of my 'cushy alienated life' as Claire says in an episode. Basically I wanted to explore the idea of settling, and what love means within a relationship and what happens when you aren't 100% sure and how people choose the people they will spend their life with. And what happens to those who decide not to choose or who choose a life that strays from the traditional.

There is a lot bubbling around in my head about this blog, but I will leave it at that for now. Thanks for reading.


  1. This will be a great distraction from work!! Your 'second reason' reminds of the lyrics from 'This Is A Lie' by Robert Smith. You should check them out if you have a second.


  2. Dude. I know this is supposed to be about HBO shows, but we should totally do some sort of joint HIMYM post or something. It'd be legendary.

    You're awesome.

  3. Love it.
    I think you should change 'SFU' to '6FU' b/c SFU is Simon Fraser Uni, yes? C'mon, my brain can only hold a certain number of acronyms and texty abbrevs- uh-oh, I have completedly crossed the generation gap, haven't I?

  4. Yes Amy, I totally thought about how I would be excluding HIMYM. The truth is, I may just open up this blog to include my other favourite shows too. I haven't thought that far ahead yet, but I'm working on it!

    Al, you are a genius. I wouldn't want someone getting the wrong idea about what this blog is truly about, ha!

  5. Ada, I'll take you. Always :D. I am totally jazzed to read your blog even though I don't think I've ever watched any of the shows you obsess over :). It'll be like getting access to this whole other part of your life that's always been foreign to me. :D
